Social Media Security Tips

Tags security
Social networks are a great way to stay connected to friends, family and other acquaintances. While social networking allows you to share information with people you want to share with, it can also allow others to learn more about you than you care to share with them.


  • Use privacy and security settings to limit your access to your information, including photos and videos.
  • Think twice before posting. Treat posts as if once they are posted they will always exist online. Don’t post anything that you wouldn’t want family or future employers to see. It is becoming increasingly common for employers to reject candidates based on information they found online.
  • Be skeptical. Cybercriminals are increasingly using social media to trick people into clicking on malicious content.
  • Use a long, strong and unique password. Your social media passwords should not be the same passwords used elsewhere.
  • Be cautious in how much information you share online. The more personal information you divulge, the easier it is for someone to impersonate your identity or stalk you.
  • Keep your friends close. While it may be fun to amass a large number of online friends, you could be sharing personal with someone you don’t know that well.
  • Don’t accept a person as a friend or contact unless you know who really sent the request. Attackers have been known to set up fake accounts for real people to connect and get information on that person’s friends or contacts.
  • Remember that once you publish pictures on the internet, you will never be able to have full control of those pictures again.


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