The desktop shortcut for Titanium has abruptly stopped working.
Assuming appropriate rights to Titanium already exist, it is possible the shortcut being used is invalid. Effective 7/16/21, the server address for Titanium has changed. Existing shortcuts, if not changed to reflect the new server's address, will be broken as a result.
To resolve this issue:
- Locate the existing Titanium desktop shortcut (if there is not an existing desktop shortcut, skip to the instruction box at the bottom of this article for a "New Desktop Shortcut"):

- Right-click on the icon and choose Properties from the menu.
- Locate the Target field:

- Change the Target from \\xvitanium\TitaniumPsych\Ti10.exe Or \\xvitanium\TitaniumShare\Ti10.exe To \\xvtitanium01\TitaniumShare\Ti10.exe:

- Click OK.
If the shortcut doesn't exist to begin with, you can create a fresh one by right-clicking your desktop and choosing New >> Desktop Shortcut from the menu. When prompted by the setup wizard, enter the pathname \\xvtitanium01\TitaniumShare\Ti10.exe.