Microsoft Teams allows users to create a personal link for such uses as office hours or advising sessions.
To create your personal link:
Open the Teams app and click Calendar from the left menu bar.
Next click 'Meet Now" from the top menu.

In the pop-up window, the meeting name can be changed if desired.
Click "Get a link to share"

Copy the meeting to your clipboard by clicking the page symbol to the right.

You can share this link through email, text, or embed it into your Canvas course. This link stays active for 60 days after the last meeting. As long as the link is activated once every 60 days, it does not expire.
IMPORTANT: You will need to set the meeting options to prevent anyone other than the organizer bypassing the Lobby.
Click "Configure meeting options".
In the next window make sure that "Only organizers and co-organizers" is selected under "Who can bypass the lobby?"

Click Save
Note: You will need to click the same link as your attendees or you will not be sent to the same meeting room.
Creating a recurring meeting
You can also create a recurring meeting for the same purpose.
Click Calendar in the Teams app and click New Meeting

In the next window you will need to set the meeting options in the same manner on the menu on the right side. Be sure to select Only organizers and co-organizers from the drop-down menu.

Next, set the recurring options (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.)

When you have the meeting recurrence set, click Save in the top right. Your meeting will now populate in your calendar.
Meeting info is accessible by clicking on a meeting. Clicking the box next to the link will copy the link which can then be shared to a Canvas course.