This article covers the process to download, install, and initially connect to data sources using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Authorization Note
You may install the client at any time, however you will need proper authorization before connecting to a server or data source.
Download the installation file for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) from:
Please complete these steps to install SSMS:
- Go to your download location, typically the Downloads folder
- Find the setup file and double-click to start the installation. In the past this has been SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe.
- The Welcome Screen will appear with a default install location for product. Click Install to begin.
- You may be prompted with a message asking if you wish to allow this application to make changes to your system. Click Yes if prompted.
- Installation will occur and show a series of scrolling progress bars, indicating both progress of current operation and overall progress. Please wait for completion.
- The installation will show a "Setup Completed" notification when done. Click Close to finish the installation.
Initial Launch of SSMS
To launch SSSM and test your connectivity
- Open SSMS. You can use either the search function or the Start Menu
- Click the Start menu -> All Apps -> Microsoft SQL Server Tools 19 -> SQL Server Management Studio 19
- In the Search field, type sql server management Studio 19 . As you type the system will narrow down the offerings and you can pick sql server management Studio 19 from the list to launch.
- At launch you will see a "Connect to Server" box requesting server name

- Type in the instance name
- XVANALYTICSDB (for production)
- Click the Connect button after entering the appropriate value
- Leave the authentication method set to "Windows Authentication" ; this will use your current Xavier credentials to authenticate you
- The data should be nearly identical in both test and production databases. The only appreciable differences are in some of the internal key numbers that are generated by each warehouse. The data pulled from Banner (RPTP) is the same.
- Both warehouses refresh nightly. Production refreshes occur overnight and in the wee hours of the morning while test refreshes occur during the day.