Types of Xavier Wireless Networks

Tags wireless


This network is broadcast in residence halls to facilitate wireless setup. For more information, consult the article "Setting up devices with Xavierwireless".


This is the primary wireless network for employee and student devices, and uses enterprise-level 802.1x authentication. Xavier-owned laptops (staff, loaners) are pre-configured for 'xavierwireless'.


This network is for visitors only and is broadcast in non-residential buildings. This network lacks access to systems on Xavier's campus network such as printers or Banner. As a guest network, it also lacks optimizations for streaming and other bandwidth-intensive activities.


This network is for consumer devices that lack support for enterprise 802.1x authentication, such as gaming consoles, smart TVs, and streaming devices (Blu-Ray AppleTV, Firestick), etc. When using devices on Xmisc, be aware of the following:

  • Some devices do not work well on Xmisc.
  • Wireless printers are not supported. These devices broadcast their own networks which cause interference and connectivity issues for others in the residence halls. If you bring a wireless printer, consult the product documentation on how to turn off the wireless radio and connect using a USB cable instead.
  • Wireless routers are prohibited for use in residence halls, due to the interference and connection problems they create.
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Article ID: 97
Wed 6/3/15 8:59 AM
Tue 11/7/23 4:07 PM

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