2017 Summer Classroom Refresh Information


Information about the 2017 Summer Classroom Refresh.


IT is refreshing classroom technology in the following rooms during the summer of 2017:

Single/Dual Projector classrooms

  • Conaton Learning Commons 404
  • Smith Hall G23
  • Smith Hall G27
  • Smith Hall G29
  • Smith Hall G30
  • Smith Hall 137
  • Smith Hall 141
  • Smith Hall 249
  • Smith Hall 250
  • Smith Hall 251
  • Smith Hall 252
  • Smith Hall 346
  • Smith Hall 347
  • Smith Hall 348   
  • Smith Hall 349

Lab/Specialty rooms

  • Albers 1
  • Smith Hall G21
  • Smith Hall G28
  • Smith Hall 106

Conference rooms

  • Fenwick Hall Conway Library
  • Fenwick Hall Large Conference Room
  • Smith Hall 247
  • Smith Hall 308
  • Smith Hall 344

Start/End Dates

This project begins June 12, with an estimated completion date of August 7.

Changes for 2017

  • BYOD. Single and Dual projector classrooms follow the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) standard set by the Alter Hall Redesign team in 2014. Labs and Specialty rooms -- which rely on dedicated PCs for unique functions -- will receive updated models. 
    A laptop or other portable device will be required in order to project in BYOD rooms. Many faculty already have a Xavier-issued laptop for this purpose; personal devices can also be used, if preferred. Adjuncts who lack a laptop may check out a loaner from the CLC 3rd floor Library Circulation Desk a week prior to semester start.

  • Solstice wireless display. Solstice wireless display will be the default touchpanel display option, accommodating the widest variety of laptops and mobile devices. (For more information on Solstice, please consult "Related Articles" on the sidebar). Lecterns also include HDMI and mini DisplayPort cable connectors compatible with most laptops. 
  • VGA retirement. VGA is considered a legacy connector, and has been omitted from this and all future classroom refreshes.
  • Lampless projectors. Projectors which currently rely on lamps will be replaced by lampless models. eliminating need for regular lamp replacements and disruption of service.
  • Document cameras. Permanently-mounted Epson document cameras are now standard-issue in Single and Dual-projector classroom.
  • New lecterns. Older, bulkier lecterns are being upgraded to streamlined, high-quality equivalents.

More information

Classroom Technology staff are presenting several sessions on Smith Hall classroom technology during Tech Boot camp on August 17. Please consult the Center for Teaching Excellence's Boot Camp homepage for a complete session list. Classroom Technology will also offer one-on-one training for any who are unable to attend this event. Any questions relating to the refreshes can be directed to Classroom Technology at 3603 or classroom-support@xavier.edu.



Article ID: 433
Fri 4/21/17 12:56 PM
Wed 11/8/23 2:49 PM

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