2019 Summer Classroom Refresh Information


This article describes the classroom refresh project for Summer 2019.


In this article:

Start/End Dates

This project begins May 13, with an estimated completion date of August 9. The bulk of installation activity will occur in late June through August.

Changes for 2019

  • BYOD. Refresh classrooms follow the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) standard set in 2014. Labs and Specialty rooms that rely on dedicated PCs for unique functions in those areas will receive updated models. 
    A laptop or other portable device is required to present content in BYOD rooms. Full-time faculty have a Xavier-issued laptop for this purpose; personal devices can also be used, if preferred. We recognize that adjuncts often lack laptops. Accordingly, we will provide loaner laptops for adjuncts to check out from the CLC Library, beginning a week prior to the start of the Fall semester.
  • Solstice wireless display. In rooms where Solstice wireless display is available, it will be the default touchpanel display option, accommodating the widest variety of mobile devices. (For more information on Solstice, please see "Related Articles" on the sidebar). Lecterns also include HDMI and mini DisplayPort cable connectors compatible with most laptops. 
  • VGA retirement. VGA is considered a legacy connector and has been dropped from classroom refreshes since 2016. Those using older VGA or newer USB-C equipped devices in refreshed classrooms can display using Solstice; no wires or adapters required.
  • Lampless projectors. Existing projectors will be upgraded to the latest Panasonic model for improved reliability and image quality.
  • Document cameras. Permanently-mounted Epson DC-21 document cameras are standard in Single and Dual-projector classrooms unless otherwise noted.
  • New lecterns. Older 42" lecterns will be upgraded to new 36" models, in accordance with campus standards.

Room List

Single Projector Rooms

  • Cintas 201
  • Hailstones 1
  • Hailstones 2
  • Hailstones 3
  • Hailstones 4
  • Hailstones 5
  • Hailstones 7
  • Hailstones 9
  • Hailstones 15
  • Hailstones 17
  • Hailstones 19

Dual Projector Rooms

  • Cintas 202
  • Cintas 203
  • Cintas 204
  • Hailstones 100x

Conference/Seminar Rooms

  • Elet 211
  • Elet 304
  • Hailstones 102

Labs/Specialty Rooms

  • Hailstones 21

Additional Improvements

Classroom Technology is tentatively planning the following additional improvements during the summer refresh project timeline:

  • Immobilizing Alter Hall lecterns to prevent equipment damage and trip hazards.
  • Converting McDonald IRVP Conference Room to a Zoom Room.
  • Upgrading to digital audio in Conaton Board Room.

More information

Classroom Technology staff present several orientation sessions during CTE Pedagogy and Tech Boot Camp in August. Dates/times will be announced closer to summer. We are always available for individualized training by request.

Please contact Classroom Technology if you have any additional questions regarding the summer refresh project.



Article ID: 550
Fri 3/1/19 10:16 AM
Wed 11/8/23 2:57 PM

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