The control panel for the Smith Hall Atrium is located in supply closet Room 114, which itself is located inside Dean's Office, Room 113.
IT does not have access to this office when it is locked. Dean's admin assistants arrive in most cases at 8:30am. Take this factor into consideration when receiving requests for the Atrium system/mics prior to that time.

The AV rack contains a pull out drawer that houses 1 Shure Lapel microphone and 1 handheld microphone.
Please note that the system can be customized to utilize 2 handheld microphones or 2 lapel microphones or a combination of both by simply plugging XLR cable into appropriate Handheld or Lapel receiver.

The control panel is on the wall next to the AV rack.
To adjust the lobby volume:
- If the system is currently muted, unmute it by pushing Lobby Mute button. The red LED should turn off.
- Push the Lobby Control button. Its LED should light up red to indicate it is selected.
- Turn the volume control knob clockwise, until Volume is showing 4 lit hash marks.
- To mute the system, press the Lobby Mute button. The red LED should light up.