Reporting Phishing Emails via Phish Alert

In this article:

What Phish Alert

Phish Alert is a feature that allows you to quickly and easily report suspected phishing emails. This feature is currently available in Outlook (client and mobile apps) and Outlook Web access (webmail). Any emails reported using Phish Alert will be automatically deleted from your inbox, and forwarded to Xavier IT for further analysis.

When to use Phish Alert

The Phish Alert feature should only be used to report emails you believe to have malicious intent. If you are receiving spam or marketing emails, please mark these as junk or delete them.

Reporting via Outlook client

If you receive a phishing email and are using the Outlook mail client, follow these steps:

  1. On the Home ribbon, locate and click the Report As Phishing button.

    If you lack this button in your ribbon, open the email message instead and click the PhishAlertv2 link, as shown below:

  2. Click Yes to confirm.

  3. You will receive a thank you confirmation. Click OK to dismiss.

Reporting via Outlook Web Access (OWA)

If you receive a phishing email and are using Outlook webmail (OWA), follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the email message, click on ... to show the menu.
  2. Choose Phish Alert v2 from the menu as shown below:

  3. A sidebar prompt will ask you if you are sure you want to report the email as a phishing email. Click the Phish Alert button to report the email.

Reporting via Outlook Mobile

If you receive a phishing email and are using the Outlook mobile app, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the three dots at the top right of the screen, as shown below:

  2. Tap on the Phish Alert icon.

  3. Tap the Mobile Phish Alert button to confirm submission.

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Article ID: 558
Fri 5/31/19 10:12 AM
Fri 11/10/23 9:03 AM

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