Web Browser and Application Compatibility

Xavier-issued laptops and desktops come with the following web browsers installed:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer (Windows only)
  • Safari (MacOS X only)
Google Chrome is the default browser configured on all newly-imaged Xavier-issued computers. You are free to use whichever web browser you prefer, but keep in mind that given the wide range of applications we support, no single browser works best for all of them.

For daily use, IT recommends either Chrome or Firefox.

INB Banner is compatible with Chrome and Firefox as of October 2017. It is recommended you use either browser, unless access to BDMS is required. BDMS still works best via Internet Explroer.

On Xavier-issued laptops, browsers are configured to update themselves automatically. Due to the rapid release cycle embraced by most browser developers, updates and patches can be quite frequent, but are essential to fixing bugs and maintaining security.

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Article ID: 56
Tue 6/2/15 3:20 PM
Mon 5/6/24 1:47 PM

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