Adding Microsoft Authenticator To An Already-Enrolled Account

This article explains how to enroll Microsoft Authenticator as an additional multifactor authentication (MFA) method for the first time. The instructions below are meant for those who have already enrolled at least one other method (ie, phone number) successfully. If you have yet to enroll in MFA at all, please consult the article in the Related Articles sidebar instead.

To enroll Microsoft Authenticator follow these steps:

  1. Using a laptop or desktop computer, go to
  2. Under Security Info, click on Update info:

  3. Click on Add Method:

  4. From the pulldown menu, choose Authenticator App, and then click the Add button:

  5. On your phone, visit your app store and install the Microsoft Authenticator app.
  6. On your computer, click the Next button:

  7. On your phone, open the Authenticator app and agree to the Privacy agreement, if prompted.
  8. Tap on Add Account.
  9. Tap Work or School account:

  10. On your computer, click the Next button:

  11. Your computer screen will display a QR code. On your phone, tap on Scan a QR code:

  12. If prompted by your phone, allow Authenticator to take pictures:

  13. Using your phone, scan the QR code that is being displayed on your computer screen:

  14. On your phone, Microsoft Authenticator may prompt about the App Lock feature. Tap OK to dismiss for now.

  15. On your computer, click the Next button. Microsoft Authenticator will send your phone a test push notification.
  16. On your phone, find the notification and tap Approve. Confirm the approval using your PIN or fingerprint, if prompted. (AppLock feature can be turned off in the app's preferences later, if desired)
  17. On your computer, click Next to complete the registration:

  18. If you wish to change your default MFA method to Microsoft Authenticator, please consult "Related Articles" on the sidebar.
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Article ID: 657
Wed 9/22/21 10:13 AM
Fri 11/10/23 9:19 AM

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