This article will outline the Installation & Configuration of the OneDrive Client
Additional information on the usage of Xavier OneDrive and Cloud Storage can be found at:
1. Download the latest client from Microsoft at:
2. Double-click the OneDriveSetup.exe file
3. This will run a brief setup requiring no action
4. An icon will appear in the lower right of the screen. It may be hidden in the Notification area

5. Click this icon. A OneDrive window will appear stating that OneDrive isn’t connected. Click the blue Sign In button

6. The Set up OneDrive window will appear. Type your email address in the Enter your email address field and click Sign In

7. The Xavier University logon page will appear. Enter your password. Once you sign in, your two factor athentication method (phone call, phone notification, etc.) will prompt for approval.
8. The Stay Signed into all your Apps window will appear. Click OK.
9. There will be a pause as the deivce is registered. Click Done when prompted.
10. Once signed in you will receive a confirmation of the location of your OneDrive folder. This should be C:\users\your_username\OneDrive – Xavier University. Click Next

11. The option Back up your folders will appear. The backup options for Desktop, Documents, and Pictures should be selected by default and active (see image below). Please confirm they are selected and click Start Backup

12. The Get to know your OneDrive window will appear. When ready, click Next
13. The Share files and folders screen will appear. When ready, click Next
14. The All your files, ready and on-demand screen will appear. When ready, click Next

15. The Get the mobile app screen will appear. When ready, click Later. You may wish to click Get the mobile app and on-screen prompts will assist with that but it is not necessary at this time.
16. The Your OneDrive is ready for you screen will appear. Either click Open my OneDrive folder or click the X in the upper right of that screen to close.
17. The OneDrive icon in the Notification area will now appear to be blue. You may have to click the arrow to expand the hidden icons to see this. If you wish to make that icon visible at all times, you may click and drag that icon from the hidden icon area to the taskbar.

18. Clicking the OneDrive icon will show the status of the file synchronization. When syncing is done the OneDrive is up to date will appear in the blue bar at the top of this window. Help & Settings, as well as Open Folder, and View online options are available on this screen.

Picking the active OneDrive – Xavier University folder
The presence of both OneDrive and OneDrive – Xavier University folders can cause confusion. Windows 10 has a personal OneDrive folder that appears as OneDrive in File Explorer. This folder does not sync and should not be used for Xavier University data.
1. Open File Explorer. For example, you may click the folder icon on the taskbar and File Explorer will open. There will be a left pane that has OneDrive and OneDrive – Xavier University as shown below

2. The OneDrive – Xavier University folder is actively synchronizing data with Xavier University cloud storage. Files placed in that folder structure will be synchronized. This folder can be expanded by clicking the > symbol to the left of the blue OneDrive – Xavier University cloud. This will result in an expanded vertical menu with all subfolders displayed.

For more information, you can consult the Microsoft documentation here