This article will discuss using Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) within a classroom or meeting space. It will cover what an MTR is, how to schedule a meeting with an MTR in advance, joining a previously scheduled meeting from an MTR, as well as starting a new (unscheduled) meeting from an MTR. Additionally, it includes helpful tips and considerations for optimal audio and screen sharing, specifically when sharing video, with an MTR.
What is a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR)
A Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) is a dedicated cart installed in a room comprised of an all-in-one camera/microphone/speaker, a touch panel for meeting control, and flat panel display monitor. This hardware is compatible with Microsoft Teams and features everything necessary to get the meeting room ready for an enhanced video conferencing experience.
Scheduling a Meeting with an MTR
Meetings utilizing an MTR can be scheduled in advance so that it appears on the MTR's calendar. This allows for single touch joining to make starting a meeting quick and easy. This is the preferred method for conducting meetings with an MTR.
1. Open up the Microsoft Teams client on your personal device, e.g. laptop, tablet, or mobile device.
2. Click on the "Calendar" icon on the left hand side of the Teams window.
3. Click on "New Meeting" at the upper right of the Teams window.
4. This will open the scheduling form in a new window. Fill out the form including the title, attendees, time, and any other details necessary. Be sure to include the email address for the MTR being used as one of the attendees. (example:
5. Click "Send" at the upper right of the New Meeting window. This will send the meeting invite to all meeting attendees, including the MTR in the designated classroom or meeting space.
6. Once the meeting is scheduled and invitation sent, the meeting will populate to the MTR's calendar and appear on both the touch panel and flat panel display.
7. Once inside the classroom or meeting space, from the touch panel, simply tap "Join" on your scheduled meeting to start the meeting.
Starting a Meeting from an MTR (unscheduled)
Though it may be preferred, it is not necessary to schedule a meeting in advance in order to have a meeting utilizing an MTR. Users may initiate a meeting directly from the MTR touch panel.
1. Tap on the "Meet" button on the MTR touch panel to start a new meeting.
2. Enter any attendees you wish to join the meeting. Be sure to include yourself so that you may join using your personal device, e.g. laptop, tablet, mobile device. The MTR is linked to Active Directory, making it easy to find and invite anyone from the Xavier community.
Joining a meeting with an MTR
Joining a laptop or other personal device to a meeting with an MTR while in the same classroom or meeting space as the MTR can present distortion to audio as well as feedback unless the audio settings on the laptop or other personal device are configured properly. Proximity join in Microsoft Teams automatically configures these settings for optimal sound quality while in the same room as an MTR.
1. Before entering the meeting, select "Room Audio" from the audio preferences on the right side of the window. Then search for the room's MTR in the drop down list. Tip: Typing part or all of the MTR name will allow your personal device to find it faster.
2. By joining the meeting with Proximity Join (Room audio), the personal device's microphone and speakers will automatically mute upon entry. The meeting's audio will default to the built in speakers and microphone on the MTR cart.
Sharing Content using Microsoft Teams with an MTR
Just like with a standard Microsoft Teams video conference meeting, users can share content with attendees when meeting using an MTR. Users can share content by sharing their entire screen, sharing an application window, or a PowerPoint presentation through PowerPoint Live. Important: users MUST join their personal device (laptop, tablet, mobile device) to the meeting with the MTR. Whether the meeting was scheduled in advance or started using the "Meet" now button on the MTR touch panel, the user must join the meeting with the device from which content will be shared,
1. From the laptop or other personal device that has joined the meeting with the MTR, click on the "Share" button located on the far right of the Meeting Controls Bar.
2. If intending to share audio, be sure to enable "Include computer sound" before sharing. Once this has been enabled, it will remain enabled for the duration of the meeting, even if you stop sharing and start sharing again. Important: This setting MUST be enabled BEFORE sharing content.
3. To share the entire laptop screen, simply click on the thumbnail under the "Screen" heading.
4. To share only the window of an application currently open on the laptop, click on the icon below the "Window" heading. This will open up a new menu with a list of application windows currently open and accessible on the laptop.
5. Through Microsoft Teams, users have the ability to share a saved PowerPoint file using the share "PowerPoint Live" feature. You can search the laptop or OneDrive for the file and upload it into the meeting and share it via PowerPoint Live. Any previously used files will populate the list below the PowerPoint Live heading.
Follow this link for more information about PowerPoint Live.
Tip: When sharing video from a browser or a local file saved on your device, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T to optimize the playback resolution to avoid lag, frame drops, and audio sync issues.