PaperCut Client Printing with Shared Accounts (ORGs)


These notes will show the process to add or select an ORG and how to print from a computer with the PaperCut Client installed while using shared accounts (ORGs). If your account has been configured to use shared accounts in PaperCut, you will see a new pop-up window when you print to a Toshiba printer.  This client will allow you to choose which ORG that will be billed for the print job. print.

Steps to Use PaperCut with Shared Accounts (ORGs)

NOTE: You need the Windows PaperCut Client installed prior to this. If you do not have it or are unsure, please check with the Service Desk.  

This is the process for printing to a Toshiba printer with the PaperCut client installed. It is similar to standard printing but you must supply the ORG code or choose it from the drop down list if you have supplied that ORG code previously:

  1. Print as you normally would, selecting the appropriate Toshiba printer (such as schott_201_color) in your application
  2. You will see this Print Job Notification window. 
    1. If you do not see it, the most likely cause is that you have not been assigned additional ORGs to print to and need to speak with your departmental admin


Select the Account

You will need to either supply the ORG code or pick from drop down if the code was previously used on this machine

  1. Select Charge to Shared Account
  2. Initially there will be no values so you will need to type in the appropriate ORG number
  3. Once the ORG number is typed into the Account field, click Print
  4. The job will now print and bill to that ORG
  5. The PaperCut Client should remember your entry. In the future that ORG account information will be available in the Shared Account drop down. As you add more ORG codes your list will grow and you can pick from the drop down rather than type the code manually. 

Balance Window

There is a balance window that shows the current charges for your ORG. This window will appear on your screen and look like the example below. This window is normal. You can close it without impacting printing.

The window shows the current personal balance. Clicking the Details link will launch your default browser and show you more information. 

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Article ID: 711
Thu 1/11/24 10:43 AM
Thu 1/11/24 12:22 PM