Navigating Self-Service Banner 9

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In addition to the new look of Self-Service Banner, users will now navigate between applications in a different way. The new Banner menu is located next to the Xavier University logo at the top of each self-service application page . This is commonly referred to as the 4 square icon. Alternately you can click the ALT + M key to open this menu.

New Banner Menu Icon

Click on the Banner menu icon (four-square icon) or press Alt + M, then click on Banner to expand the full navigation bar, as shown below.

Self-Service Banner 8 Navigation

While most applications will be upgraded to Banner 9, some will remain in the Banner 8 version. If you find yourself in Banner 8 and want to navigate back to Self-Service Banner Home, click one of the tabs at the top of the page (e.g. Registrar, Employee), then click on the “Return to Main Menu” menu option.

New Features and Functionality

In addition to Banner’s improved interface for easier navigation, Self-Service Banner 9 offers users new features to allow for quicker access to information and streamlined processes.

  • Mobile Functionality: Complete a range of tasks from your tablet or mobile device with Self-Service Banner’s new mobile functionality.
  • Enhanced Browser Support: Access Self-Service Banner from your preferred browser.  
  • New Employee Dashboard: Quickly view your personal, employment and job-related information.
  • New Student Landing and Profile pages: Quickly view your personal, academic and financial aid information.
  • New Faculty and Advising Landing and Student Profile view: Quickly access all faculty pertinent course information, updated grade entry and course views; Advisor search and streamlined options to mirror student profile views.
  • My Finance Query: Budget managers and existing Self-Service Finance users will benefit from quick views of spend analysis. Users will be able to save favorite queries and share queries for collaboration.

The upgrade to Self-Service Banner 9 aligns with Xavier University’s commitment to increasing efficiency and delivering an enhanced experience for students, faculty and employees. Should you experience any issues or require assistance during the transition, please contact the Technology Service Desk at or call X4357

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Fri 2/9/24 2:46 PM
Mon 5/6/24 1:58 PM