Add Microsoft Feature to Windows on Xavier-Issued PC


Adding a Windows Feature, such as .NET 3.5 or an additional language pack, fails. The download does not occur and thus the installation gives an error that it cannot download (error code 0x800F0954 for example).


Xavier-issued Windows machines are configured to use an update server internal to Xavier. We do not host the optional features and languages. The error is expected when encountering this situation. It can be corrected through following steps.


The operator will need administrator level access to accomplish this task.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Download the 2 REG files (XU_Disabled.reg and XU_Enabled.reg) linked to this KB to a local folder on the affected Xavier-issued PC
  2. Open File Explorer to the location of the REG files
  3. Double-click the file XU_Disabled.reg
  4. You will be prompted twice - once for permission to run this file and once to allow a registry change. Please agree to both.
  5. Leave File Explorer open (you will be returning to this)
  6. Open a command prompt as administrator
  7. Change directory to the location of your download files
  8. Issue this command
    1. net stop "windows update"
  9. You should see the following:
  10. Leave this command prompt open  (you will be returning to this)
  11. Install your Feature or Language as needed
  12. Return to File Explorer
  13. Double-click the file XU_Enabled.reg
  14. You will be prompted twice - once for permission to run this file and once to allow a registry change. Please agree to both.
  15. Delete both 2 REG files (XU_Disabled.reg and XU_Enabled.reg)
  16. Close File Explorer
  17. Return to the command prompt window
  18. Issue this command
    1. net start "windows update"
  19. You should see the following:
  20. Close the command prompt to complete this operation

Link to files: WSUS On-Off

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Article ID: 725
Thu 4/25/24 3:24 PM
Mon 5/6/24 2:10 PM