Conference Now Audio Conferencing

Conference Now audio conferencing allows participants to call into a meeting ID, placing them in a virtual "waiting room" until the meeting organizer arrives. Once the organizer arrives, all those in the waiting room will be brought into the call.

Conference Now is “reservation-less”, meaning that you do not need to schedule the system in order to use it for a meeting.

First-time organizer instructions

Prior to using Conference Now for the first time, you must request a PIN. This PIN is unique and unrelated to any voicemail and/or long distance PINs you may already have. Without a PIN, you cannot start a Conference Now call

If you previously had a PIN but forgot it, the above link can also be used to request a fresh PIN.

Starting a conference call

To start a Conference Now call, follow these steps:

  1. Share the dial-in information and your meeting number with attendees:
    • Your meeting number will always be your 4-digit deskphone extension.
    • Dial-in information:
      • On-campus: x3100
      • Off-campus: (513) 745-3100 
      • Toll Free: 1 (855) 989-3239 (note: this toll-free number cannot be used by people in the local tri-state area)
  2. Dial into Conference Now.
  3. Enter your meeting number (4-digit deskphone extension), followed by #.
  4. Enter your PIN followed by #.
  5. The line will remain silent until participants join. If participants join before the organizer arrives, they will be placed on hold with music.
  6. The system will announce, "The meeting is now in session". At this time, all attendees that had joined prior to the meeting organizer will be conferenced together. Additional participants can join/leave the meeting anytime while the conference is still in session.

Joining a conference call

To join a Conference Now call as an attendee:

  1. Dial into Conference Now. You will be prompted "To join a conference now, please enter a meeting number followed by #".
  2. Enter the 4-digit extension of the meeting you were given by the organizer.
  3. You will be placed on hold until the Meeting Organizer arrives.
  4. Once the meeting organizer's PIN has been successfully entered, the system will announce, "The meeting is now in session".  At this time, all meeting attendees that had joined prior to the meeting organizer will be conferenced together.  Additional participants can join/leave the meeting anytime while the conference is still in session.
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Wed 6/3/15 8:59 AM
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