Wireless Server Certificate Errors in Mac OS X

Tags mac network

If you are prompted to accept a server certificate for "*.xavier.edu", there are two possibilities in order of likelihood:

  1. The date/time on your computer has inadvertently changed, causing the certificate to "expire" prematurely.
  2. The server certificate has recently been renewed, which would prompt you to accept the changed certificate. 
To resolve this, check to make sure your computer's date and time are correct. If they are, it is possible the certificate has been renewed. 
Xavier last renewed its wireless server certificate on Friday, May 15 2015. To accept this changed certificate:
  1.  Click on Continue.
  2. You will be prompted for your Mac's local account password. Enter it, and click Update Settings.
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Article ID: 139
Tue 6/9/15 3:48 PM
Tue 11/7/23 4:20 PM

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