Setting Your Password for New Students/Employees

In this article:


Student setup

The username that you have been using for Road to Xavier is also your official Xavier username. Your initial password consists of your 9-digit Student ID  + Capitalized first letter of your birth month + 2-digit date. For example: If your Student ID was 000456789, and your birthday was May 9th, your initial password would be 000456789M09.

To set your own password, proceed to My Account ( and complete account setup by following these steps:

  1. Login to the My Account portal with your email address and initial password.
  2. You will be guided through with setting up multi-factor authentication
  3. Select Security Info to setup your security questions, and other alternate ways to reset your password. These can be used to unlock your account or reset your password if you have forgotten it. 
  4. Select Password to change your initial password.

Once you have set up your official Xavier password, you should use that new password when you log in to Road to Xavier and other Xavier systems.

Employee setup

Your username should be provided to you in communications from Human Resources. Your initial password consists of your 9-digit Banner ID  + Capitalized first letter of your birth month + 2-digit date. For example: If your Banner ID was 000456789, and your birthday was May 9th, your initial password would be 000456789M09.

To set your own password, proceed to My Account ( and complete account setup by following these steps:

  1. Login to the My Account portal with your email address and initial password.
  2. You will be guided through with setting up multi-factor authentication
  3. Select Security Info to setup your security questions, and other alternate ways to reset your password. These can be used to unlock your account or reset your password if you have forgotten it. 
  4. Select Password to change your initial password.

Additional help

If you are an employee and you do not know your Banner ID number, please contact Human Resources at (513) 745-3638 or

If you are a student and do not know your Student ID number, please contact your appropriate Admissions Office:

If you have correct ID and initial password information yet are encountering issues setting a password or security questions, contact the IT Help Desk at (513) 745-HELP or

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Article ID: 161
Fri 6/12/15 8:50 AM
Tue 11/7/23 4:23 PM

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