Mac Wifi Randomly Stops Working

Tags mac wireless


Macintosh wireless network periodically drops, seemingly without cause.


If your Mac laptop randomly drops from Xavier wireless networks, one common cause is that your Mac connects to wireless networks in a certain order based on a list in the Network preference pane. If your topmost wireless network is something other than Xavierwireless, the Mac will attempt to join these networks first.

This behavior may also be caused by an issue with the Mac's wireless profile.


Create a fresh wireless profile:

  1. Click Apple Menu >> System Preferences >> Network.

  2. Select Wifi, then click Advanced. 

  3. In the list of networks, located and delete xmiscxavierwireless and xavierguest. Click the Apply button and close the window.

  4. Click on your wireless icon , choose xavierwireless again and login when prompted. This will both create a fresh wireless profile for xavierwireless and will make sure xavierguest remains out of the picture.

Once created, set Xavierwireless so that is your topmost, preferred wifi network:

  1. Click Apple Menu >> System Preferences >> Network.
  2. Select Wifi, then click Advanced. 
  3. Click and drag the xavierwireless network to the top of the preferred networks list.
  4. Click the Apply button and close the window.


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Article ID: 184
Fri 6/12/15 9:17 AM
Wed 11/8/23 2:36 PM

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