Unable to Refine Search@XU Results in Google Chrome


The "Limit to" section used to refine search results in Search@XU fails to work properly while using Google Chrome.


This is a known issue connected to having browser sync enabled in Google Chrome.


To resolve the issue, temporarily disable sync and flush your browser cache/cookies:

  1. In Google Chrome, click and choose Settings.

  2. Under the People section, click Turn Off to disable browser sync. Note this will sign you out of Google-related services within Chrome.


  3. Click and choose Settings >> Advanced >> Privacy & Security.

  4. Scroll down to Clear Browsing Data and choose All Time from the pulldown menu. Ensure all list items are checked, then click Clear Data.

  5. Close and re-launch Google Chrome. Search filtering should now work properly in Search@XU.

  6. Re-enable browser sync in Chrome by reversing the actions in step 2.

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Article ID: 555
Fri 4/12/19 3:21 PM
Mon 5/6/24 1:50 PM