About the GlobalProtect VPN client

Tags vpn
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a means of accessing certain on-campus resources that are normally unavailable to devices off-campus.
Such resources could include:
  • mapped network drives,
  • Banner,
  • licensing servers
  • Virtual Lab (virtualpc.xavier.edu)
The GlobalProtect VPN Client allows you to gain access to such resources through the campus firewall, from off-campus. 
Starting Summer 2024: You will need to use the VPN client (https://services.xavier.edu/TDClient/58/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=86) to access the virtual PC environment if you are off campus or otherwise not on the Xavierwireless network or wired campus network connection.

Basic Setup

Download and install the GlobalProtect client from https://vpn.xavier.edu.

  1. Once the client is installed, simply launch the client and login to it with your Xavier credentials. If prompted for a "portal address", use: vpn.xavier.edu.
  2. Once connected, you can access Xavier resources in the same manner that you would from on-campus.
For platform-specific instructions, please consult the Mac and PC setup articles listed in the "Related Articles" sidebar.

Mounting Network Drives

Depending on whether your computer is Xavier-issued or not, you may need to take extra steps in order to access mapped drives once connected to the VPN:
  • If you are using a Xavier computer, you can access your network drives through GlobalProtect VPN as you would on campus. 
  • If connecting from a non-Xavier computer, you will need to initially setup your network drives. Please consult the related articles in the sidebar for more information.

When NOT to Use the VPN

Using the VPN while on-campus can interfere with network connectivity, and is unnecessary.
It is also unnecessary to use Global Protect VPN for accessing Xavier email or Nexus from off-campus. Both services can be accessed from any location via these links:
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Article ID: 86
Tue 6/2/15 3:53 PM
Mon 8/26/24 10:35 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Issues connecting to campus systems such as VDI (Virtual Lab/Desktop) and the VPN (Virtual Private Network) from an off-campus site.